· By Ashleigh O'Leary

Peace, Balance and Harmony

I’m excited to introduce you to the 3 key pillars of my crystal healing service. These are my corner stones. My non-negotiables and the main factors which I’ll always ensure I’m held accountable for.

The first of my 3 key pillars is Balance.

Throughout my crystal healing offering, together we explore and get clear on identifying your energetic drains or blockages and how to recharge and re-balance. If we know where we loose balance, we can then work on regaining that balance, whether that be through specific crystal layouts or personal developmental activities.

I also offer a unique element within all of my crystal therapy sessions. As we are graciously able to use mother earths crystals to help us energetically align, I believe it’s important to give back in a bid to restore that give/take balance. During each session I program two clear quartz crystal chips which absorb the healing energy from the session. I then offer one of those crystal chips back to mother earth by grounding it into the soil. The second clear quartz crystal is gifted to you and is yours to do whatever you feel drawn to; whether that be keeping it close to harness the energy from the session whenever you need or you too can offer it back to mother earth by burying it within your own garden or pot plant.



The second pillar is something I’m always striving for.

Harmony (hello Libra moon) who’s with me? It seems to be a goal post which is forever moved. So the quest to achieve consistent harmony can often feel like a daily/weekly/ monthly even yearly feat. 

Crystal healing and regular crystal practices can allow you to achieve harmony in whatever form feels right for you. It can help bring a consistent, orderly, or pleasing understanding between your mind, body and spirit.


Freedom from disturbance. Tranquility. The lack of fear, hurt and repression.

Peace is my third and final pillar. It’s how I weave love into the crystal healing process. It’s how I’ve always described the feeling of when you’re connected and embracing your highest-self. It’s the freedom to be exactly who you are, in this lifetime with no judgment. It’s how I’ll offer my divine feminine goddess energy into our sessions. It’s the environment I hope to create for you - Peaceful. Calm.