· By Ashleigh O'Leary
My Current Pluto Square Pluto Transit Experience
For the last few months I’ve been in the depths of a Pluto Square Pluto transit.
This specific transit is something we will all experience from around the age of 37-40.
It’s one of the major planetary transits dubbed “the mid-life transits” and its energy can be felt on and off over the course of a few years.
If you’re not familiar with Pluto, it’s the planet responsible for powerful change via renewal and re-birth. It represents endings and new beginnings, as well as spiritual growth and rebirth. Pluto is also known for its ruthlessness, as it can bring our deepest and most buried compulsions into the light. The power and control it can assert is the “shadow” side of destruction. But without destruction, new life cannot form.
A Pluto Square Pluto transit can tend to feel like a lot of repressed memories, traumas and patterns coming to the surface. Because Pluto is strongly aligned with power, this time can feel like a personal power struggle, as we are forced to assert ourselves in new ways that ultimately lead to immense growth. The challenge being - can you let go of the old?
Pluto transits can very much feel internal and personal. Much like the caterpillar transitioning into a butterfly - the transition isn’t available for all to see. It’s done in private and not everyone can bear witness to the shifts and changes.
My natal Pluto is in the sign of Scorpio and resides in my 5th house. The fifth house relates to; child-like fun, creativity, self-expression and how your personal energies are released into the world.
So it was NO surprise that the energy of this transit was deeply felt in relation to my business (how I alchemise my creativity) and social media (how my personal energies are released into the world).
I noticed how Instagram (an outlet I had used for creative expression) had started to feel constrictive and empty. It felt like my expansive, energetic essence was being forced into this tiny digital square, and being made to “keep up” with all the requirements.
It had completely drained my energetic essence and now had me questioning why, what’s the point of all this and is this even in alignment anymore?
After speaking to many of my close friends and comrads, the feeling seemed to be mutual.
At the same time I was experiencing this reaction to social media, I was also seeing a kinesiologist/ mind/ body, naturopath. And over numerous sessions we worked on taping into suppressed feelings in a bid to feel them, clear them and release them (very Plutonic). Over many weeks we broke down belief systems around a social media presence for light workers and small business owners, focusing on being a magnet for opportunities as opposed to constantly chasing them and how social media is yet another ‘system’ we are being programmed to opt into. This system has been sold to us under the guise of “connection” yet – it had me deeply evaluating…..a connection to what? And, at what cost?
It was time to step back. Disconnect in a bid to reconnect to myself again. A time to go within, feel into what was coming to the surface and welcome all the transformations.
As soon as I made the conscious decision to take a break from my social media feed, I immediately felt a huge relief. It was as if a massive weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I could literally feel my spirit sing “hallelujah”.
In the days following that decision I started a new Kundalini practice called ‘Gyan Chakra Kriya’. A beautiful and highly potent, 11min daily practice that welcomes in more, prosperity, abundance, opportunities, and a deeper connection to self. It’s a sacred Kundalini practice that was used so that miracles could happen. I’m currently 52 days into this practice with a min of 68 days remaining.
This Kundalini practice works with your arc line (halo), as well as the physical body. You carry out certain arm movements whilst saying the following mantra out loud “Sat Nam Wahe Guru”.
This mantra translates to “Great is the Divine, the teacher who leads me from darkness to light.” (Another very Plutonic theme).
I’ve noticed that it instantly raises my vibration and provides insights I’d otherwise not notice. And as I write this and reflect on the last 52 days, I’ve had opportunities come to me without any chasing or assertion.
Some benefits of this practice include:
- Strengthens Immunity
- Activates the arc line
- Enhances intuition
- Strengthens & expands your aura
- Strengthens the magnetic field around your heart
- Strengthens the nervous system
- Activates your pituitary gland
- Shifts your frequency to a frequency of expansion
- Ushers in opportunities
- Brightens your halo.
- Magnetizes you to prosperity consciousness
If you’re interested to learn more about the potent practice, I’ve included a link here which explains in depth how this practice came to be and how to implement it yourself.
Focusing on empowering practices is what Pluto wishes to teach us.
I’ve also reconnected with my power centre. Seeing as though I am a manifesting generator, my gutt is my compass which alerts me to whether I should pursue something. If I don’t feel a “fuck yeah” that comes directly from my gutt, then I know it’s not meant for me. This internal feeling or knowing, literally tells me whether I’ll be drained or empowered.
I’ve felt into relationships, both past and present, re-examined past and present wounds and released what doesn’t serve me anymore. Pluto is all about transcending via transformation. If you’re not constantly spiralling upwards, continuously growing into a better version of yourself - Pluto will make you face that, and will challenge you as to why you’re holding back.
I’ve literally felt physically sick for days, as deep emotions came to the surface ready to be addressed.
I’ve been doing the work with many supportive tools including my trusted crystals: in particular Labradorite (the crystal that represents endless possibilities and abundance), Shungite water for constant cleansing, and my new Ceres flower essence to bask in the frequency of love and nurturing.
Having regular energetic sessions with a kinesiologist has been incredibly powerful during this transit. And it reminds me of how important it is to connect with energy workers and care for ourselves on that energetic level. Especially when it comes to Astrological transits, that play on the more emotional and spiritual level.
At the very core of this Pluto square Pluto transit is - power. Where do you have it and where do you loose it. Where is there too much, and where can you assert more?
It takes guts and courage to face your shadows, embrace them and trust the next phase.
I’m trusting that everything that I’m feeling and experiencing now, will all unfold in perfect harmony.
I’m embracing this “mid-life transit” and its lessons, because it’s the pre-cursor to more to come. Up next will be a Neptune transit which will ultimately test my faith and then a Uranus transit, that will shake things up to ensure my true authenticity is one of the only things remaining.
I’ll be putting together a post explaining more about these mid-life transits over the next coming weeks.
But for now, I just wanted to shine some light on my own personal chrysalis (on my own terms), so that you can see a small glimpse of the private transformation happening behind closed doors.
I’m sure a regular appearance on my Instagram feed will resume when (and if) it feels right. But for all of those near and dear who have been following the Free Spirit Crystal Healing journey (which is tightly interwoven with my own), I wanted to say – my essence and presence is still strong, even if I’m not playing the social media game.
During this internal phase I’ve being updating some behind the scenes processes + offerings for my biz, whilst also doing what I love: crystal healing sessions and astrology readings.
I know I’m currently walking alongside others who are amid these transits, so I also want to take this opportunity to say, “I feel you and I see you”. If you are experiencing any of the transits I mentioned above, please feel free to reach out to me and chat. We all experience these planetary shifts and I want you to know that you’re not alone.
If you’ve stuck around to the very end and you’re reading this sentence - Thanks for dropping into my own space. A space that doesn’t feel icky, overcrowded or confusing